運動ニューロン疾患=motor neurone disease :MNDの一種である
How unlikely ,
本年2012年1月6日のBBCが受け取った貴重なホーキング博士(Stephen William Hawking)の証言を訳してみました。自らの病を原発、軍事核施設近辺での生活が原因と特定したものです。真に勇気のある、博士の世界のすべての市民への警鐘であると思います。
本年2012年1月6日のBBCが受け取った貴重なホーキング博士(Stephen William Hawking)の証言を訳してみました。自らの病を原発、軍事核施設近辺での生活が原因と特定したものです。真に勇気のある、博士の世界のすべての市民への警鐘であると思います。
「以上により、私には、イオン電離放射線からの被曝こそが、運動ニューロン疾患の原因であり、悪化させたと言えます。(注:客観的可能性を示唆しています) 」
Stephen Hawking is answering questions from the public during his 70th birthday celebration.
The following question was submitted to Dr. Hawking through the BBC Network and through his professional email. This question is not about cosmology. It is of a more personal and poignant nature. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that an answer will be forthcoming.
“Do you think your excess exposure to ionizing radiation exacerbated your symptoms of motor neuron disease?”
Stephen Hawking:
1) lived downwind from the radioactive Windscale Fire in 1957 and the Burghfield Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston, in Berkshire during his teenage years when dividing cells are vulnerable to ionizing radiation;
2) initial symptoms in 1962 correlated with the highest amount of global nuclear fallout;
3) participated in outdoor sports (rowing) at Oxford in the early 1960’s in all kinds of weather that would have increased exposure to radioactive particles with long half-lives;
4) possibly rowed in the River Kennet or the River Enborne near Oxford and may have been exposed to radioactive effluent from the Burghfield Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston, in Berkshire;
5) obtained a B.A. in Mathematics and Physics at Oxford which housed the Nuclear Physics Laboratory with a particle accelerator and the Clarendon Center for nuclear warfare research;
Because there is a statistically significant increase in mortality of MND in commercial airline pilots and radiologists, a three-fold increase of MND in the U.S. Air Force, and an increase in MND in a county adjacent to Pantex, the U.S. equivalent to the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston,
Then exposure to ionizing radiation may be a causative or exacerbating agent in motor neuron disease.
Donna C. King
Environmental Health Specialist
「以上により、私には、イオン電離放射線からの被曝こそが、運動ニューロン疾患の原因であり、悪化させたと言えます。(注:客観的可能性を示唆しています) 」
Stephen Hawking is answering questions from the public during his 70th birthday celebration.
The following question was submitted to Dr. Hawking through the BBC Network and through his professional email. This question is not about cosmology. It is of a more personal and poignant nature. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that an answer will be forthcoming.
“Do you think your excess exposure to ionizing radiation exacerbated your symptoms of motor neuron disease?”
Stephen Hawking:
1) lived downwind from the radioactive Windscale Fire in 1957 and the Burghfield Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston, in Berkshire during his teenage years when dividing cells are vulnerable to ionizing radiation;
2) initial symptoms in 1962 correlated with the highest amount of global nuclear fallout;
3) participated in outdoor sports (rowing) at Oxford in the early 1960’s in all kinds of weather that would have increased exposure to radioactive particles with long half-lives;
4) possibly rowed in the River Kennet or the River Enborne near Oxford and may have been exposed to radioactive effluent from the Burghfield Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston, in Berkshire;
5) obtained a B.A. in Mathematics and Physics at Oxford which housed the Nuclear Physics Laboratory with a particle accelerator and the Clarendon Center for nuclear warfare research;
Because there is a statistically significant increase in mortality of MND in commercial airline pilots and radiologists, a three-fold increase of MND in the U.S. Air Force, and an increase in MND in a county adjacent to Pantex, the U.S. equivalent to the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston,
Then exposure to ionizing radiation may be a causative or exacerbating agent in motor neuron disease.
Donna C. King
Environmental Health Specialist