福島県 福島市 飯坂温泉町
果樹園の除染作業 2012 spring.
removing cesium134&137 by the machine of high-pressure washing(water)
on the orchard of the peach.
Iisaka-onsen Fukushima city in Fukushima Prefecture.
(80 km from the Fukushima daiichi Nuclear power plant.)
Is this Funny? this is my friend of the inherited four generations as the orchard farmer.
This is real and economical , but possible to remove the cesium.
That is because ....below...
peach`s roots is deep inside the soil.
Over 90% cesium is coverd on the surface 5cm of the soil.
But this way like this photo , only the bark and leaf have been removed from the cotamination through the air after the accident in March 2011.
Last year at the Fukushima general Abriculture Institute , the orchard branch, the many studies were examined And the effect of the action like on the the above photo resulted in over half of cesium134&137 were deleted from the fruits (peach).
So we will wating the effect of the radioactivity measurement of this year`s fruits(Peach and Cherry) in July and August!
Japanese don`t be defeated. We are against the some World Atomic Concessions
in peaceful way...We know the wisdom from the experiments of the good American people in Hanford and Three mile. We will value of that.
Our thoughts and prayers are always with the people that have ever been suffered from the radioactive contamination caused by the people of the evil side.
Bye bye Darth Vader , please change your mind from evil of the darkness to pureness of the light .
Japanese will change in 2012.....
yes you know , Peach have old special legends about Japanes Gods Izanagi and his wife Izanami...
伊邪那岐命(いざなぎのみこと) と彼の妻、伊邪那美命(いざなみのみこと)
I will tell this story later... Its also funny story like Orpheus in Greek Mytholgy.
Mt.Bandai the side of Lake Inawashiro. the Gods of Fukushima .
西会津 Nishi Aizu in Fukushima Pref.
石巻市 日和山公園 Ishinomaki city Park Hiyoriyama In Miyagi pref.
Shrine Kashima-Miko Jinjya
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